Beetle.js - Introduction
19 Aug 2014Beetle.js is a data manager for Javascript. The goal is to be able to work with data as easy as Entity Framework and LINQ.
- Tracks objects and persists changes to server
- Can work with Knockout and Angular objects (Backbone soon, and others can be implemented easily)
- Can work with Q and jQuery promises
- Supports data model inheritance
- Supports aggregate functions
- Can work without metadata
- Can work with Mvc and WebApi Controllers
- Supports property, entity validations
- Can use existing data annotation validations (carries multi-language resource messages to client)
- Can query server with Http POST
- Can be extended to support almost every library (client and server side), flexible architecture
- Auto fix navigation properties (after foreign key set, entity attach etc..)
- Can check-auto convert values for its proper data types
- Can be internationalized (for internal messages, validation messages etc..)
Current prerequisities
All dependencies have base types so custom implementations can be made easily.
- Entity Framework
- WebApi or Asp.Net Mvc project for service
- Knockout.js or EcmaScript5 Properties (for Angular) for providing observable objects
- JQuery for ajax operations
- Create a Controller and inherit from BeetleApiController, generic argument tells we are using Entity Framework context handler with TestEntities context (DbContext)
- Configure routing
- Create an entity manager
- Create a query
- Execute the query and edit the data
- Execute local query
- Add a new entity
- Delete an entity
- Save all changes
Supported Data Types
string, guid, date, dateTimeOffset, time, boolean, int, number (for float, decimal, etc..), byte, enum, binary, geometry, geography (spatial types are supported partially, can be fully supported once we decide how to represent them at client side)
required, stringLength, maximumLength, minimumLength, range, emailAddress, creditCard, url, phone, postalCode, time, regularExpression, compare
Supported Query Expressions
ofType, where, orderBy, expand (include), select, skip, top (take), groupBy, distinct, reverse, selectMany, skipWhile, takeWhile, all, any, avg, max, min, sum, count, first, firstOrDefault, single, singleOrDefault, last, lastOrDefault
Supported Query Functions
toupper, tolower, substring, substringof, length, trim, concat, replace, startswith, endswith, indexof, round, ceiling, floor, second, minute, hour, day, month, year, max, min, sum, count, avg, any, all, contains (can be used in expression strings, some are not supported by OData but can be used with beetle query string format)
See License